10547578_10204950876195785_1919163612014392158_nBeth Landau is an experienced writer, editor, educator, and plain language specialist whose focus on clarity helps writers, businesses, schools, and government organizations get results. She is the owner of BEL Writing Services, which offers a variety of professional writing, editing, and training services.

Her areas of expertise include plain language, content creation, and workshop/training development. Types of writing include technical, organizational, business, instructional, and narrative nonfiction.

She has an M.S. in Education and an M.F.A. in Creative Nonfiction.

Beth has also served as a judge for the Digital Health Awards (2018-2020) and Center for Plain Language’s Federal Report Card (2018-2020) and ClearMark Awards (2017-2020).

You can find her on LinkedIn.

For more information, check out belwriting.com.